WorldCat DiscoveryThis link opens in a new windowType key concepts in one box. Use quotation marks around phrases. Use the asterisk at the end of a root word to get results with different endings. For example, behav* will retrieve results with behavior, behaviors, behavioral, etc.
PsycINFOThis link opens in a new windowSeparate key concepts in different boxes. Use quotation marks around phrases. Use the asterisk at the end of a root word to get results with different endings. For example, counsel* will retrieve results with counseling, counselor, counselors, etc.
Google ScholarThis link opens in a new windowType multiple key concepts. Use quotation marks around phrases. Narrow your results by adding keywords.Use the links on the right to access full text.
ERICThis link opens in a new windowSeparate key concepts in different boxes. Use quotation marks around phrases. Use the asterisk at the end of a root word to get results with different endings. For example, counsel* will retrieve results with counseling, counselor, counselors, etc.
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences CollectionThis link opens in a new windowSeparate key concepts in different boxes. Use quotation marks around phrases. Use the asterisk at the end of a root word to get results with different endings. For example, counsel* will retrieve results with counseling, counselor, counselors, etc.
ScienceDirectThis link opens in a new windowType key concepts in one box. Use quotation marks around phrases. Use the asterisk at the end of a root word to get results with different endings. For example, behav* will retrieve results with behavior, behaviors, behavioral, etc.