CSCD 6356 Learning Disorders in Pre-School Children

Citing in APA

You will be required to cite your sources according to the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition Style Manual. However, not all of the requirements set by the manual will apply to your work, so check with your instructor about the preferred method of citation for the class.

A new resource that is available to you is APA Style Central, This tool from APA will help you consult APA Style quick guides and tutorials to refine your writing. You can also create a reference library with customized APA Style reference templates. Click on the icon below to start APA Style Central. First time users are advised to create a APA Style Central username and password.

APA Style Central



Finding the DOI Number

Need help finding a DOI number for your citation? Look up it using DOI CrossRef!

Citations Tools

Citation software is useful not only in creating citations, but also keeping track of your references. The Sueltenfuss Library offers three online citation tools for student use, although you will still need to know the basic citation structures when inputing entries. There is no charge for creating accounts to these tools.



Click on the icon of the software you want to use:

