Social Work Resources for Engage Students

Article Databases

As an online students, the best way to find peer reviewed articles you need is to use the library's online databases. While many articles listed in these databases, many others are not.

The databases listed below are the databases recommended for research in Social Work. The databases you choose will depend on the issue you are researching, but the standard databases are Social Work Abstracts, SocIndex and Google Scholar.

If you need assistance in searching the databases, please do not hesitate to contact your research librarian, Steven Wise.

Reference Databases

These databases are available if you need to look up basic reference information. The materials in these databases are not peer reviewed, but they are useful to find definitions of theories and explain complex issues in simple terms.

Combining Search Terms

Boolean Operators


AND narrows down your results because it only finds items that include both search terms as a keyword.

And Venn Diagram

OR expands your results because it finds items that include either one or both search terms as a keyword.

Or Venn Diagram

NOT makes your results more specific by excluding words that aren't relevant to your search.

Not Venn Diagram